
Detailed list of topics going to be covered in the talks during the open-source conference at IIT Kanpur:


Responsible for printing in Linux, Unix, and similar POSIX-style operating systems.


A lightweight Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) for IoT, designed for low-resource hardware such as microcontrollers, where Linux is too large.

Immutable Distributions and Sandboxed Packaging

Technologies like Snap, Ubuntu Core Desktop, and blendOS focus on secure, immutable operating system distributions and sandboxed applications.

Google Summer of Code (GSoC)

A global program that enables students to work full-time for up to 3 months on a free software project, with a stipend from Google and mentorship from the project's developers.

Open Documentation Academy

An initiative by Canonical's documentation team and several free software organizations to mentor individuals in a wide range of documentation tasks.

Working at Canonical

Insights into career opportunities at Canonical, a leading open-source software company, especially for those who have completed relevant courses and gained experience in the field.